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Skylight Innovation

How To Bring Daylight Into The Darkest Corners Of Your House

Use sun tunnel skylights to bring daylight into the darkest corners of your home.

Small Spaces Guide

Imagine it: natural light in areas of your home you never thought possible.

At VELUX, we believe every room deserves to be filled with bright, natural light. Realistically, though, there are areas in every home that are just a bit harder to illuminate than others.

It's simple enough to incorporate wide windows into your kitchen, living room, and bedroom plans. But other areas, like the stairwell, laundry room, or hallways, seem too small and closed off to bring in sunlight.

Or are they?

VELUX Sun Tunnel skylights make it possible to bring natural light to areas where traditional windows and skylights aren't an option.

VELUX Sun Tunnel Skylights bring natural light into the darkest and most isolated spaces in your home through a specially designed tunnel that passes from roof to ceiling. The tunnel bypasses obstacles in the roof and has a highly reflective interior that directs the light to the space below.

Interior spaces, like entryways and hallways, can be dark and unwelcoming with their limited access to natural light. But with innovative VELUX Sun Tunnel Skylights, you can add enough daylight to turn every corner of your home into something truly extraordinary!

Next: 10 must-see Sun Tunnel transformations

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