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I'm Beth Hunter, I am the creator of "Home Stories A to Z," where I blog about my love of do-it-yourself decorating.

So, in my work, I use my home as a neutral palette to decorate.

When we first moved into the home, this was the living room space.

It was very dark, so one of the first things that I knew I needed to do was bring natural light into this space to make it a more warm and welcoming area.

The only way to add natural light to this space was through skylights, and I just was so anxious to kind of open up the roof and see that light come through.

One of the things I love about the skylights that we chose is that we can let in fresh air.

So our skylights are solar-powered. They open to the fresh air. They have room darkening shades on them, so if we did want to darken the space, it's an option.

I wanted to bring nature into this room subtly, and one of the first inspiration pieces that I found were these vintage botanical prints, and they really set the tone for this space.

Here in the living room, in the morning, the skylights produce a really nice filtered light. And as the day progresses and the sun gets stronger, it gets sunnier and brighter. And around 3:00 p.m., it's just really glowing in here.

It's kind of my favorite time of day, and that's exactly what I envisioned for this space when I designed it.

[upbeat music]