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[upbeat music]

My name is Sara Mansbach, and this is my husband, Frank Mansbach.

We're in Greenville, South Carolina on Hope Street.

Well, we--we downsized as we approached retirement years, and we wanted to be in a walkable community, which is-- which is what Downtown Greenville is.

The Mansbach home was probably one of the more challenging homes that we've built in our 13 years.

The lot was incredibly small. The house only had a 12-foot backyard, so our ability to get light into the back of the house, which happened to be the living space of the house, was very challenging.

They wanted privacy from the neighbor behind them, and yet, they wanted natural light coming into the house.

So the VELUX skylights played a key role in bringing that natural daylight into the home.

So we worked with Todd Usher from Addison Homes, who-- who prides himself in building energy efficient homes.

And we've been quite pleased with our energy bills since we moved in here.

It's a fraction of what we paid for in our old house, so everything has worked out quite well as far as lowering our operating costs.

Well, I read a lot, I'm on the computer a lot.

It isn't until 8:00 at night that we ever turn on any lights because the light is just there for us to use.

And frankly, on those winter days when it's cold outside, it's cheerful in here.

It's--the light comes in and the warmth comes in, and it brightens your spirits.