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[upbeat music]

Nicole and I bought this house in 2008.

My husband wanted to have a little project, a little fixer-upper, so he found this home. This is the neighborhood he grew up in. His parents live just down the way.

We had a lot of good ideas on how we could make it better.

The configuration of the house prior to the renovation was very segmented, and it just felt very closed off.

We ended up knocking down most of the house and starting from scratch. He had a vision, and I had faith in him. So we bought the home, and it took about five years to make it livable.

When Brendan was building this home, my only request was to have skylights in the kitchen because we did have them in our older home, and I did love having that fresh air and the brightness in the kitchen.

When we were designing the house, we wanted to keep daylight and ventilation as part of the overall theme. I think we accomplished that with our skylight design in the kitchen.

The kitchen really is the heart of the home.

It's amazing to me to take a space that's typically dark, and once you put a skylight in, just to walk into the room and feel it open and airy and bright. It just--it makes the overall mood so much happier.

Vivian, our five-month-old-- when she was about two months, you know, she'd cry.

Two months was kind of a challenging month. The only thing that would settle her and the only way I could anything done, like make a pot of coffee, or, you know, wash my hands, was I would put her in her bassinet, and I would wheel her around the kitchen and put her right underneath the skylights.

And she would immediately just kind of stop and look up at the clouds and the birds and really enjoy that.

McGlinch and Sons has a skylight division called Michigan Skylight Pros, and our sole focus is to daylight homes.

I just like taking a blank slate or a project, and I like to put my stamp on it.

I like to improve it and step back at the end of the day and say, "Hey, look what we created here."