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Loft skylights

DIY blogger Sarah Dosey has always loved the skylight in her home's upstairs space that overlooks the living room below. When she added a loft above a newly constructed bathroom, she knew natural light would be essential. The secluded space now feels like a private treehouse retreat, filled with natural light and fresh air.

Sarah replaced the original skylight and added one to the loft as well. They are solar-powered fresh air models. The upstairs replacement skylight is a VCS 2246 (22 1/2" W x 46 1/2" H), and the new skylight in the loft is a VCS 4646 (50 5/8" W x 50 5/8" H). Learn more.

Project Details


Solar powered fresh air skylights blue blinds

Solar Powered Fresh Air Skylights

$ $ $




Light-Filtering Shades

Ceiling Type


Project Costs

Installation cost $6,790 + Product cost $4,133 = Total project cost $10,923

Actual installation costs will vary from these estimates based on common variables in roof construction and shaft construction.